Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Husband Sucks Men Cock

night in broad daylight! Bijou

We all remember the August 11, 1999 where for a long time we have not seen anything so magnificent a total eclipse of the sun in France. It was a superb show that many do not want to miss, because our country it will not happen again until 82 years! For me this was the first time in my life that I saw one. However, since 1999 other eclipses have occurred in many other countries, everywhere on earth. This year, occurred in the South Pacific, July 11, 2010.

Perhaps you've already seen a total eclipse of the sun. But do you explain this? You may have said it was dangerous to look to the naked eye. Is this true? What do these eclipses?

Reactions varied.
The solar eclipse is so impressive that some primitive peoples attributed to discomfort or even illness or death of the sun. Some Eskimos and the Aleutian Islanders believed that on this occasion the sun and the moon left their normal position to better see what is happening on the ground. In Tahiti, it was explained that solar eclipses are the marriage of the sun and moon, marriage is supposed to create the stars.

In reality, animals and birds are disturbed by the disappearance of the sun. In the darkness qu'amène the eclipse, the bees ceased their buzzing, the birds hang their song, chickens return to roost, and fields, livestock takes the same attitude as the dark. The animals will lie down for a "night" that will not last more than three minutes.

is the new moon which is the origin of the solar eclipse. Ordinarily, she misses the sun during the day without us noticing because their orbits do not lie on the same plane. But sometimes the Sun, Moon and Earth line up. So the shadow of the Moon is projected onto the surface of the Earth, creating an eclipse. Why during the new moon? With a quarter moon could not have have a total eclipse of one hand. Logical right?

Solar eclipses are the result of a unique relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth. The Sun is huge, its diameter is 400 times that of the Moon. But it is also about 400 times farther from us. Therefore, viewed from Earth, the two bodies seem to be the same size, and sometimes the disk of the Moon coincides perfectly with that of the Sun.

For such a total solar eclipse occurs, it requires not only that the three stars are aligned exactly, but that this should happen when the Moon traverses part of its orbit closest to Earth. The apex of the cone of shadow of the moon plunged into darkness a narrow strip of land surface, called path of totality.

The lessons of the eclipse
hindsight, many people have become aware of feelings that the event had awakened in them. Many of us had tears in their eyes. Chills we roamed the body, not the cooling of the eclipse but the emotion it provoked us. Whether on the area of the airport, home, in the streets, this eclipse marked our minds and our hearts. Some acknowledged that only a loving Creator could offer such a show that people appreciate the extraordinary beauty of energy source on Earth. This celestial show

has helped millions of people to forget their problems for a few minutes and focus on something really exciting and wonderful. Contemplating usually hidden facets of the glory of the Sun, some thought to the glory but invisible even grander its Creator.

Be noted.
Because lunar and terrestrial orbits are elliptical , the apparent size of the Sun and the Moon varies slightly depending on their position in their heavenly race. When the moon is at its maximum distance from Earth, the darkest part of her shadow does not reach quite the surface of our globe. In this case, the observer on Earth that is in alignment see an annular eclipse, the Sun is visible as a ring of light surrounding the moon.

grains Baily
The phenomenon known as grains of Baily is due to the lunar terrain that divides the band of sunlight just before totality phase. The "diamond" refers to the appearance of the Sun just before totality phase, still run if a thin border that resembles a white ring topped with glittering shards of light reminiscent of a loner.

Again without the immutable physical laws of Him who has put in place, the eclipse could not take place, it takes very careful and accurate calculations for they occur. And if, as some believe firmly or other claim in "Daily Newspapers region," the moon moves away from 3 cm and dust each year, eclipses have already disappeared. Yet the facts are there, they still happen! Have you noticed the positions of each planet in our solar system? Look at the picture on the left! The elliptical orbit of the planets placed one behind the other prevents it. If the moon away each year, it would disrupt our entire solar system. It's real thing, right?

Only here, people, leaders of all countries, taking the universe to a landfill, debris of all kinds looming over our heads. When the Earth, it is in no better condition. Why? The answer in a new ticket mood.

Solar Eclipse in French Polynesia
sent NTDFrancais . - Current time on video.
Here is one that we lived in 1999 ... You remember?

total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999
sent Cyhd . - The latest test hi-tech video.


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