Friday, August 20, 2010

Make Vw Beetle Wheelie

perfectly arranged ... Earth!

Evidence of a single planet! The land is truly a marvel. A beautiful and rare jewel in space. The astronauts have said that with its blue skies and white clouds, it was " far the world's most attractive". But it is much more than a planet. According to Lewis Thomas, writing in Discovers the , " the greatest of all mysteries of cosmology, which we had vainly tried to elucidate is the earth." added, It amazes us, in his blue air bubble is the most extraordinary of planets orbiting the sun, it produces its own oxygen, fixed in its soil nitrogen in the air itself determines its climate.. Are we really aware.

Wonderfully thought!
Atmosphere Earth, it also is unique and truly extraordinary. No other planet in the solar system has such an atmosphere ... the moon either, which explains why the astronauts needed a spacesuit to survive on this planet. However on earth, everyone knows it is useless, because the atmosphere contains an ideal ratio gases absolutely essential to life. Some of these would be fatal in its purest form, but combined them in the proper proportions in the atmosphere, they make life possible, so we can breathe safely without even thinking about it. Composition the atmosphere: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases like carbon dioxide ....

Oxygen ...
21% of the volume of the air we breathe! Without it, animals and people die after a few minutes. Too much oxygen would be dangerous to life as a pure state becomes toxic when you breathe too long. On the other hand, there would be more oxygen, more objects ignite readily combustible materials ignite at any moment, causing serious fires. We agree to the wise decision to have diluted the oxygen with other gases, including nitrogen.

nitrogen Ah yes!
78%! However, nitrogen is not a simple diluent. In times of storm, the lightning million each day, crossed the sky across the globe causing the combination nitrogen / oxygen. The resulting compounds are precipitated on the earth by rain, where they serve as fertilizer to the vegetation. Hey! This is not anything anyway.

Carbon dioxide ...
It represents less than one percent of the atmosphere. Without this gas plant life would cease. As previously stated, this is a clever and necessary exchange between humans, animals and vegetation. A greater percentage of this gas in the atmosphere would be harmful to animals and humans. Less? It would be insufficient for survival of vegetation. What a wonderful cycle and accurate!

The shield of the Earth ...
About twenty miles above the globe, a thin layer of ozone filters out harmful radiation from the sun. Without this protection, this radiation could destroy life on earth. In addition, the atmospere is also a protection against meteorites. Yep! To date, nobody has been killed by a meteorite. Most meteors never reach the earth because they disintegrate in the atmosphere. In our view, they are shooting stars. Without the atmosphere the earth would be bombed, not by an asteroid, but by millions who caused serious damage to life and property.

And water?
Yes, I have already spoken, but not everything said about this essential element to life. The earth contains enormous quantities of water whose properties are essential not only our lives but this all there is on earth. It exists as a gas (water vapor), liquid and solid (ice), so at all temperatures recorded on earth. Without water, animals and plants could not absorb the nutrients they need.

What about soil?
Its constitution reflects a genuine wisdom, offering everything necessary for plant growth. These nutrients combine and ground water with carbon dioxide from the air, in the presence of light to produce food. Of tiny living organisms found at a rate of several million per teaspoon of soil, come in infinite variety of forms, each work is the transformation of leaves or dead grass and other debris into usable material or to aerate the soil so that air and water can penetrate. Some bacteria convert nitrogen into compounds that plants need to grow ... to name it!

One more question ...
What to say? If that is the question: Why is our Earth is it in such a sorry state? Whose fault is it? Who's rampage? Is she really meant to last forever or will she really disappear one day, as alleged by the tabloid newspapers and some TV shows? As mentioned in previous post, the earth does not belong to us, we are only tenants, and tenants what sad! Finally
chance is there really something to do with this arrangement is perfect?


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