Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rectangular Shower Rod Diy

bullying and ... And yet ...

I was exhausted. That was over thirty years I worked in this business. I had reached the rank of supervisor. Then the new boss arrived, a young, dynamic, full of ideas. He imagined that I was uncomfortable, so he started to attack me. After months of insults, lies and humiliation, I was devastated. When I was asked to take early retirement, I accepted. "Peter.
PETER was harassed at work, or "mobbing", to borrow a term become common in Europe. In his country, Germany, an estimated 1.2 million workers suffer. In the Netherlands, 1 in 4 people will be faced at one time or another in his career. The International Labor Organization reports about it that this phenomenon is growing in Australia, Austria, Denmark, United States, Great Britain and Sweden. But what exactly is mobbing?

A "war of nerves"
The German magazine Focus defines mobbing as "Frequent attacks, repeated and systematic". More than just jokes among colleagues (teasing or practical jokes that sometimes turn to sarcasm and criticism), mobbing is a campaign of psychological terror. Objective: To exclude the victim's group.

Singles childish or offense punishable by law?
Harassment takes many forms. Victims should wipe slander, verbal abuse, aggression and indifference. Some are deliberately overloaded work or pay the price of the most consistently unpleasant ones that nobody wants to pay. Others see their productivity efforts undermined by colleagues who, for example, retain information voluntarily. It even happened that burst the tires of their car or that their computer hacker.
Sometimes the scapegoat is the target of a single persecutor. But mostly, it is under attack from a coalition of colleagues. The term "mobbing" is appropriate since it comes from the English "mob" which means "crowd".

isolated Stalker?
The most astonishing is that many cases of harassment occur with the consent of the owner. Some European studies show that the head of department plays an active role in 50% of cases. That was my case. Under orders from the CEO, Mrs L. This guy was trying to corner me in an isolated area during my lunch break. He made remarks of a sexual nature, up to tell me that my husband was a S ... When he could, he passed behind me, slipping his hand in my back, bending down close to my ear, I heard his breathing accelerate. Paralyzed I dared move. I spoke in the evening my husband advised me to place myself in front of the office of the HRD. What I did.

Tranquil just a moment
There, he came to see me, he was scared. HRD, surprised to see me at this place called me and questioned me about this change: What happens there, Marissa? You have a problem, we must say if so? How could I have spoken, I knew it was his word against mine and as strange as it sounds, people do not believe you. What was I next to him? A simple secretary ... His place was better than mine.

I also knew that the CEO gave him orders to push us to the end so that you resign. The liar said we all spoke English! Practicing Catholic, she has even announced that in a television program. Do not know it then, that liars will not inherit the kingdom of God?

The beast returns ...
When he saw that I would not give to his advances, he ended up treating me like a waste, screaming at me for nothing, or even more often for nothing. One day he invented a malpractice which I had not committed. I fought back, going so far as to share with the HRD, which has remained deaf to my cries for help. All accomplices? At the end, I gave my resignation the same day, she accepted without flinching. Later, I went to the police station to complain, but now the cops are damn my head Going up irony in their gestures that I was describing ... in 2004! I could barely make a handrail losing all my rights ... I was not all abandoned again.

effects outside the workplace
Often, the effects of harassment are being felt well beyond the walls of the enterprise. Many victims suffer serious health problems directly related to the cruelties they suffer. Include depression, sleep disorders or anxiety attacks. What about Peter, mentioned in the introduction? His self esteem has fallen below its doctor advised her to seek treatment at a specialist clinic. What had made this necessary care? Harassment at work. It can also cause harm to a marriage or family life.

In Germany, the phenomenon has spread to the point that health insurance company has created a central hotline for victims. Position calls: up to six weeks absence from work for half of the victims, to three months for a third and beyond for more than 10%. A German medical journal, estimated that "up to 20% of suicides are due to mobbing. France does not care about this problem unless the employees, as in some companies end their lives.

The fair will they have justice?
Given the current situation I'm sure I'm not the only one, is not it? Obviously, harassment can make work a nightmare.
Is it possible to avoid it? How to maintain peaceful industrial relations?
And where does it begin?


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